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движение исламского мира во всем мире - Гамбург - Гранада - Стамбул - Самарканд

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate,the Merciful

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"IslamPeace - WorldPeace - Peace with ALL Nations"

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A


Islamic-Universal Peace Movement - Hamburg - Granada - Istanbul - Samarkand
движение исламского мира во всем мире - Гамбург - Гранада - Стамбул - Самарканд

Moscow - Russia - CIS Liaison Bureau




Bagheban-e Islam - Baghe Andalus - Baghe Samarkand



добро пожаловать ! مرحبا - Welcome

Bagheban-e Islam , Yusef Abdul Hagig Al Rashid, Al Andalusi Special Envoy to Russia - CIS - Ural
Residence: St. Petersburg - Moscow - Odessa

Bagheban-e Islam, Jamal Abu Mundiqh Al Rashid, Al Ferghani Special Envoy to Siberia Kazakhstan - Turkmen Rep.

Bagheban-e Islam,Tawfiq Abu Jaffar Al Esfahani Al Rashid, Al Ferghani Special Envoy to Samarkand - CIS Turkey - Turkmen Rep. -Surrounding Areas
Residence: Bukhara - Istanbul - Ashghabad

Moscow-St.Petersburg Conf 5 Oct 2003

Muslim News

Russia Mufties Council

“The head of the country must pay attention to all confessions” - Dmitry Medvedev

On July 15, 2009 the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev visited the Moscow Cathedral mosque.


During almost two-hour long meeting in the residence of Russia Mufties Council positive and productive conversation took place between the President of Russia and the Chairman of Russia Mufties Council,Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin and heads of regional boards of Muslims. more >>>>>

Head Mufti believes there are three times as many Muslims in Russia as polls have shown

("Interfax," August 3, 2005)

Moscow, Russia - Ravil Gainutdin, head of the Council of Muftis in Russia, assesses the number of Muslims living in Russia today and representing 38 nationalities at 23 million. He stated this at the meeting of the European Muslim Union devoted to opposing extremism on Wednesday in Moscow.

‘They are natives of our country who have lived here from time immemorial, not migrants or immigrants’, he insisted.

Gainutdin also stated that ‘the number of those who confess Islam is continuously growing’. He said that ‘our Muslims have no problems with adaptation to the European society, such as experienced, unfortunately, by our fellow Muslims who come to live in Western countries from the Arab world’.

In his address, Mufti Ravil Gainutdin condemned the terrorist actions ‘which are increasingly committed under the banner of Islam’. ‘By killing innocent people one cannot achieve one’s goal, but only add to the grown of islamophobia’, he said.

According to the averaged data obtained through polls, 5% of the adult respondents in Russia (about 7 million people) claim to be Muslims. According to the 2002 census, the total strength of all nationalities confessing predominantly Islam is 14,5 million.

WorldWide Religious News

2003 - Russia intends to join the OIC - Organization of Islamic Conferences

The membership will raise the level of economic and political cooperation between members of the organization

The head of Russia's Mufti Council Mufti Ravil Gainutdin said on Tuesday that Russian muftis supported the intention of President Vladimir Putin to incorporate Russia into the Organization of Islamic Conferences.

The leader of Russian Moslems emphasizes that the number of Moslems living in the country is 20 million people; that is why Russian Moslems for many years speak about the desire to become members of the most influential Moslem organization of the world. Ravil Gainutdin says: "Russia's incorporation into the Organization of Islamic Conferences will not only help expand the present-day spiritual contacts, but it will also raise the level of economic and political cooperation between members of the organization. The proposition of Vladimir Putin to make Russia a member of the organization means that the president offers effective measures for development of Islam, one of Russia's traditional religions."

The head of the Mufti Council spoke about the importance of Vladimir Putin's visit to Malaysia as a number of important contracts was concluded during the visit to one of the most developed south-eastern countries. Ravil Gainutdin says it is very important that in the last years the leadership of Russia pays particular attention to cooperation with Moslem countries. "Our countries have a great potential for development of economic and political contacts; this is very important to use the potential."

Press-service of Russia's Mufti Council

Update - 2005 - Russia is not granted full membership by the OIC but accepted as Observer State.

Last Update: 21 May 2010 / 8 Jumadaa Al Thani 1431
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